You are now scheduled for a Webbit WatchIt!
Host name:
Time: Event time not available.
We highly recommend downloading and installing Webbit yourself before the session. This allows for a more interactive experience, with our host guiding you through the software’s features in real-time with remote access.
Click the button below to download the Pharmacy Halo Hub, then after installing and opening it for the first time, click the Sign up button and follow the prompts to get setup.
To download Webbit, head to our website while on a computer (i.e., not on a mobile), click the Get Started button at the top-right of the page, and you should see a Download button alongside instructions on how to install and start your trial.
Though your host can also share their own screen in the Zoom call to show you how it all works, using Webbit yourself offers a deeper, hands-on understanding of its benefits for your pharmacy specifically. Any trial days that you ‘lose’ by installing early before the session can also just be credited back so you still get a full 30 days to try it out.